Pioneer Certificates

The Putnam County Historical Society will issue Pioneer Certificates to direct descendants of early settlers that arrived in Putnam County between the dates of 1830 – 1880. We hope to encourage family research in an effort to increase our knowledge of the early settlers. The information received will be kept in the museum of the Historical Society. A $20 fee is required at time of application.

Benjamin A. Day, Jr. accepted Pioneer Certificates for ancestor, Isaiah Strawn, from President Sydney Whitaker. Isaiah Strawn was recognized as an American Revolution Patriot by the Princeton DAR. Ben accepted awards for himself, Grandfather Ben Day, and daughter, Caroline Day,
Miner Certificates

The Putnam County Historical Society will issue Miner Certificates to the direct descendants of miners who came to Putnam County, Illinois to work as miners between the dates of 1903 – 1928. We hope to encourage family research in an effort to increase our knowledge of these miners, their work, and their rich cultural addition. A $20 fee is required at time of application.

Congratulations to Judy Stevens Swiskoski. She received her Miners Certificate from Putnam County Historical Society for her coal miner ancestor, Bert Stevens!